Tema: Re: smagiam pasiskaitymui [link]
Autorius: TLK
Data: 2009-03-12 15:00:11
You're suppose to install your Steam account on a Windows based Operating 
System. Your Vagina will not play games like Team Fortress 2 or Left 4 Dead. 
Go to steampowered.com for proper instructions on how to install Steam.

"Toxis@ze_yvil_place" <tox@work.ble> wrote in message 
> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsxC4OdxquW3DT8LUR5r68LZxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20090308204705AAwAMF1&show=3
> -- 
> ___________
> ©Toxis