Tema: Re: only in america:eng
Autorius: mano
Data: 2009-11-19 21:21:02
bet nesuprantu is kur pas mus mentai ishmoko krumuose sleptis visai kaip 

nakti ilenda i zolias su masina ishjungia sviesas ir shaudo

nesuprantu... :(

"mano" <noriu69@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> Police are there to protect and serve -- within limits. That's what a 
> Buffalo Grove teenager found out when he called to report his parents had 
> taken away his Xbox.
> Buffalo Grove police received a 911 hangup call about 1 p.m. Sunday. When 
> officers went to the home, the 15-year-old boy said his parents had taken 
> away the gaming system as punishment so he called to report it.
> "Officers arrived and found out it was a domestic situation," police Cmdr. 
> Steve Husak said. "The young man was upset and asked if it was legal for 
> his parents to take his stuff away.
> "The officers told him it was and that he should listen to his parents 
> next time."
> Husak did not know why the boy was being punished by his parents. He said 
> a police report was filed but the boy will not face repercussions for the 
> unusual 911 call.
> "Realistically, this was a younger person and he was upset. He was 
> concerned enough to call police," Husak said.