Tema: Blanda
Autorius: Antanas
Data: 2009-05-17 01:00:37
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Ar blend? T tai vadina it daikt taip. <br>
<p class="IT"><span class="HW">ble&ntilde;d</span> <span class="ETM">[<span
 onmouseover="TitleIn(this)" title="vokiei (kalba)"
 onmouseout="TitleOut(this)">vok.</span> <i>Blende</i>]</span>,<br>
gaubtas, saugantis <span onmouseover="TitleIn(this)"
 title="fotografija" onmouseout="TitleOut(this)">fot.</span> <span
 onmouseover="ShowRef(this)" onmouseout="HideRef(this)"
 onclick='CallRef(this,"_objektyvas")'>objektyv</span> nuo viesos
<p class="docText"><br>
The lens hood that comes with most good-quality lenses these days is
designed to reduce or eliminate the lens flare that can creep into your
lens when shooting outdoors in daylight, but pros keep a lens hood on
even indoors (basically they keep it on all the time) for another
reasonit protects the lens. Think about itthe glass end of your lens is
pretty much flush to the end of the lens barrel, and if it comes in
contact with anything that's not really, really soft, it can get
scratched, cracked, or just fingerprinted or dirty. However, when you
put a lens hood on the end, it puts a buffer between the glass and the
scary world around it. It can save your lens if you drop it or knock it
into someone or something. (The Digital Photography Book - Scott Kelby)<br>
Ar js an naudojat iaip, kad stikl apsaugot, o ne atpindi ivengt?
Beje, jis [ji?] turbt nepadeda nuo atspindi atsiradusi
fotografuojant per stikl (pvz lang)?<br>