Tema: Re: shipping forwadras
Autorius: Arklys
Data: 2009-06-19 22:47:45
Manau, kad nedaug kas pasikeite. Pries menesi siunciausi siuntini is 
Amerikos. Uz siuntima per USPS sumokejau 44.95 USD. Kelios citatos is 
amerikono laisku:
"The cheapest postage of shipping 6 pounds plus insurance to Lithuania by 
airmail will be USD44.95"
"I got the flat rate box (see picture) from the post office this afternoon. 
The size is 280 x 220 x 150mm with weight limit 9 kg. After I put in ..., 
the box is only 2/3 full.
If you want to take advantage of the flat rate box, you can put additional 
items to the package with no extra charge."

Atkeliavo per savaite, trackinimas buvo.

"vytjon" <no@any.mail> wrote in message 
> justasp wrote:
>> Sveiki,
>> Gal kas zinot uzjurio kontora kuri patikimai forwardina siuntas i LT? 
>> Ebejininkas po susimokejimo ir patvirtinimo susizgribo kad jam nesiuncia 
>> i LT USPS'as arba siulo siustis su UPS'u uz 900 zaliu.
>   Huh? Kaip tai nesiunčia?! Bent jau 2007 metais kuo puikiausiai USPS (ne 
> UPS) siuntė, netgi tracking number buvo (ir gan detaliai rodė siuntinio 
> buvimo vietą). Gal per tuos pora metų kas nors pasikeitė...