Tema: oDesk Team Application
Autorius: Jornada Del Muerto
Data: 2010-11-21 22:47:02
    Nelabai senai prisireginau oDesk, na ir cia klausimas daugiau tokiem kas tai jau naudoja, ismete kad neesu oDesk ready, pasiule kazkoki tai softa susidet ( http://www.odesk.com/ort.php ), oDesk Team Application: http://www.odesk.com/help/help/downloads  ir ten kiek maciau yra time tracking:

What does the Time Tracker record?
The Time Tracker records:

    Work diary screenshots - a screenshot of the active monitor 6 times per hour - so anything visible on your screen may be captured in a screenshot.
    Activity levels - the application counts the number of mouse clicks and keystrokes, but does not record where you click or what you type.
    The name of the active window and application at the time of the screenshot.

    [Optional] Camera snapshot along with the screenshot 6 times per hour if enabled. Camera snapshots can even be deleted separately from your other recorded activities.

    For maximum privacy control, the application allows you to delete any screenshot when it is captured (click the trash can before uploading) or afterwards in the Work Diary (until the end of the work week). Time and activity are deleted together with the screenshot. So keep in mind that your employer will not be charged for the time you delete, and you won't get paid for it. Only the optional camera snapshots can be deleted separately. You can delete the camera snapshot from your Work Diary but still get paid for that time segment.

    Tai jei gerai suprantu jie cia tuo metu kai fiksuosi kad dirbi, nuimines screenshotus ir visaip kitaip snipines ka zmogus neveikia :) kaip sakant maziau dar laisves nei dirbant kazkokiam darbe.. :)