Tema: Šatėnų prieglobstis. Aštuoniasdešimt pirmoji savaitė
Autorius: global salotoms
Data: 2011-11-08 17:08:57

radau BBC. Bet yra daug kur:
/inagist.com/FoxNews/125247161427431424/........On #Netanyahu, #Sarkozy:
“I cannot stand him”, #Obama: “You’re fed up with him? I have to
deal with him every day.” http://t.co/TZIP8Rn8................#Reuters
reports: #Sarkozy calls #Bibi a ‘liar’; #Obama: Yeah, but ‘I have to
deal with it every day’ http://t.co/1SqPLCjZ............#Sarkozy
Overheard Telling #Obama He ‘Can’t Stand’ Netanyahu – Fox News :
http://t.co/578vh8S9.................“@AlArabiya: ا ف ب
:ساركوزي يصف نتانياهو ب”الكاذب” في حديث
على انفراد مع اوباما
#alarabiya #sarkouzi #obama”................... ar jau u=teks 5rodym7?:)

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