Tema: Šatėnų prieglobstis. Septyniasdešimt septintoji savaitė
Autorius: ivs
Data: 2011-10-15 10:34:41

ar cia galima pasigirti? bites sukurta suknia pateko ant filmo dvd
virselio, filmo direktorius graziai pagyre per priemima, jos lietuviskas
vardas ir pavarde irasyti titruose ir ant dvd - costume designer - bite.
kas galejo pagalvoti, kad viena penktadienio vakara mano bitute bus taip
siltai pagerbta paciam chicagos vidury. biski gaila, kad dabar bite
nukreivojus kitais keliais. nezinomais ir dar neatrastais.

The costumes are historically accurate. bite was an advanced costume
student at Columbia College Chicago. As a kid growing up in Europe, she
had always gone to operas.
Her dream is to be a costume designer for opera. I had subscribed to OPERA
NEWS when I was 12--so
we had an immediate connection. She designed twenty-eight seventeenth
century Dutch costumes for
fifteen characters. She even moved into the larger apartment of her chief
stitcher, Marina Kuchar, so
they could construct all of the apparel between March and June, 2006—a
phenomenally high number for
this short period of production time. The types of dress included Dutch
seventeenth century professional
attire for two notaries and five clerks aged from 15 to 87, middle class
women’s dresses and headgear
for both interior and exterior use; lower class maid’s clothes; lower
class laborers’ clothes; and
nightwear for eight children.

Komentuoju straipsnį http://www.culture.lt/lmenas/?st_id=18697