Tema: Re: 4 YZF: del "omg negali buti daugiau 3gb ramo 32bit sistemoj"
Autorius: keksas
Data: 2008-04-15 16:24:16
> jus ka pimpalais matuojates? kox skirtumas: ar 3.25 ar 3 ? esme kad 32 bit 
> windosai ( isskyrus 2003 srver) nemato >4 gb.
> jei nori dar daugiau increas`o isidet pci video vietoj pci-e. pamatysi 
> visus 3.74 gb.

Neskaiciau priesistores, bet kaip supratau Ethera nori uzciaupti YZF'a 
ilgam, ir irodyti newsmas kad jis nera teisus. Nors tokiu VISADA dedasi.
Palaikau fronta, pats kaip tik dar sviezias ispudziais kaip 32bitu OS 
priversti dirbti (ar rodyti) tuos 4GB vietoj 3 :)

Radau tokia info:

Windows Vista requires more RAM than XP does.So in Windows Vista era, there 
are more and more computers with a RAM more than 2G or even more. On a 
computer that has 4 GB of RAM, the System Properties dialog box and the 
System Information dialog box may report less memory than you expect. This 
problem occurs because the address space is limited to 4 GB in a 32-bit 
hardware environment. Memory may be relocated to make room for addresses 
that the basic input/output system (BIOS) reserves for hardware. However, 
because of this limitation, Windows Vista cannot access memory that is 
relocated above the 4 GB boundary.

Solution: Open an elevated Command Prompt, type BCDEdit /set pae ForceEnable 
and press Enter.

The pae parameter enables Physical Address Extension (PAE). On 32-bit 
versions of Windows, PAE is disabled by default. PAE is an addressing 
strategy that uses a page-translation hierarchy to enable systems with 
32-bit addressing to address more than 4 GB of physical memory. PAE also 
supports several advanced system and processor features, such as Data 
Execution Prevention (DEP; "No execute"), Non-Uniform Memory Architecture 
(NUMA), and hot-add memory, so it is also used on computers with less than 4 
GB of memory. PAE must be supported by the processor.

On a computer that supports hardware-enabled Data Execution Prevention 
(DEP), PAE is automatically enabled when DEP is enabled and automatically 
disabled when you disable DEP. To enable PAE when DEP is disabled, you must 
enable PAE explicitly: Open an elevated Command Prompt.
Type BCDEdit /set nx AlwaysOff & BCDEdit /set pae ForceEnable and press 

 Rytoj pabandysiu si varianta, o kitais saltiniais remiantis, XP SP3 ir 
Vista SP1 issprendzia si reikala :)