Tema: Re: Q: Paypal Unauthorized transaction
Autorius: Rrr
Data: 2017-11-13 13:59:38
Tai is vogto PayPal akaunto atsiskaite ir tikrasis seimininkas pareportino.

On 2017.11.09 11:45, Katinelis wrote:
> Sveiki,
> Reikia patarimo kaip geriausia daryti tokioje situacijoje, kad kuo mazesni
> nuostoli patirti.
> Nupirko is manes produkta amerikonas per Paypal'a. Issiunciau produkta
> registruotu pastu, trackingas rodo, kad pristatyta.
> Dabar gaunu laiska is Paypalo kuriame rasho, kad "The buyer reported that
> someone made the order without their permission."
> Paypalas siulo tris optionus:
> How would you like to respond?
> 1. I've already shipped the product or provided the service
> 2. I've already issued a refund
> 3. I'll issue a refund to my customer and close this case
> Beje, jei tai ka nors keicia - Paypalo dashboard'e order'is visas zalias:
> "Seller Protection - Eligible " ir "Shipping address - confirmed".
> Customeras i emailus nereaguoja.
> Aciu