Tema: Re: fantastika upcoming
Autorius: Tamagochi
Data: 2010-08-20 17:13:16
> Edit: heh, pazhiurejau upcoming imdb, nu gerai jau gerai shis bei tas 
> idomaus isheina, dune'o remeikas, mass effectas, total recall, ghost in 
> the shell, MIB III, idomiai is aprashymo atrodo Black sky, Space 3001, 
> heh, duke nukem ir naujas riddikas irgi gerai:) ir labai idomu, ar 
> Foundation bus pagal asimovo fonda, jei taip, tai turetu but uber:)

Pagal Asimov, bet musu nelaimei rezisierius bus Roland Emmerich 
(Independance Day, Godzilla, The Day After Tommorow, 2012) :(  Jo komentarai 

“The Avatar technology applies to Foundation,” says Emmerich. “It has to be 
done all CG because I would not know how to shoot this thing in real.”
“Probably now all big movies have to be 3D,” he adds. “I think now everybody 
who does bigger movies has to shoot them in 3D. I think there’s no way 
around it. I was on the set of Avatar and I saw how it worked and I really 
thought, ‘That’s the ultimate way of making movies.’ “