Tema: Re: Vandens nukalkintojas
Autorius: eSSas
Data: 2009-02-03 18:25:28
a wrote: _plain bullshit attached_

Muaxaxaxa. Skaitom teksta:

"As up to now there are only a few reports on scientific proof of the 
efficiency of magnetic treatment of water in literature and a common 
understanding as to what happens to water in the magnetic field is 
lacking, this method is often met with scepticism [1, 5]"

Po to skaitom, kad tai VIENINTELIS _gimnazistes_ eksperimentas, 
padarytas be jokiu paklaidu.

Biciuli, lysk giliai-giliai krumuosna su tokiais tyrimais :-)))))))

As gal ir is lifesciences, bet eksperimentu metodika nesvetimas dalykas.



>> Leisiu sau priminti, kad kalkes magnetinem savybem nepasizymi