Tema: Re: Kaip pigiai pervesti lėšas į RUS?
Autorius: eMJei
Data: 2011-09-19 20:16:06
as kalbu apie asmeninius mokejimus, ju tarifo tavo nuordoje net nera, 
liepia ziuret agreementa:

There is a fee when you send a payment to someone in another country or 
if you receive a payment from someone in another country. Please note 
that exchange rate fees also apply if there is a currency conversion. 
The Fees section of the PayPal User Agreement has specific information. 
You can find the User Agreement by clicking Legal Agreements at the 
bottom of any PayPal page.

ka ir sakau. asmeniniai mokejimai ko gero net nemokami, tera valiutu 
keitimu fee.

On 2011.09.19 01:04, Gintas wrote:
> https://www.paypal.com/helpcenter/main.jsp;jsessionid=JXgXT2qJ7lG4MhWhT6nN2vT7CKcQKwn8mLJc4v1lTNvnjnncJ5Ln!123250613?t=solutionTab&ft=homeTab&ps=&solutionId=164699&locale=ru_RU&_dyncharset=UTF-8&countrycode=LT&cmd=_help&serverInstance=9022