Tema: Kur cia "isdurt" bando?
Autorius: L&M
Data: 2009-06-24 22:14:59

Vokietijos skelbimu puslapiuose (mobile.de, motoscout.de) paskelbiau, kad 
parduodu motocikla. Motociklas dabar Lietuvoj, bet nebereikalingas, o tokio 
modelio paklausa (BMW C1) Vokietijoje, atrodo, gerokai didesne. Neuzilgo 
parase interesantas:

i am willing to pay your asking price and i will also handle the shipping of 
good my self so i will be sending you a Cheque Or Bank Draft via postal 
service and when you get it and it clears into your account ,my shipper will 
come pick up the goods .am so sorry i cant come look at it cause am a very 
busy man and my location is bit far but am sure its in good condition as you 
have claimed,send me your details for the cheque such as .
Phone number's such as Mobile,home number and office number:
Last Offer...
i will be waiting for your quick response
Thanks...Here is my number +447024038904 call me if you want to ask any 

Nespejus jam nieko atsakyti, paraso kitas interesantas:

"Thanks for the email response, I am much Interested in purchasing it from 
you am okay with the selling price , I will offer you 100 Euro more to your 
asking price and wish to be the next owner. I will be making my payment Via 
Certified Scheck and I will arrange pick up after the Scheck is 100% 
cleared. My mode of  payment is  by Scheck and I will send it down to you as 
soon as you mail me with your payment details :-
Name : - { name on Scheck }
Address : - { address to send Scheck to }
City: -
Post Code : -
Mobile Number : -
Office Phone : - # if available
Home Phone : - #  if available
Selling Price : -
Offer: 50 { Free For You, Reserve It For Me }
There will be excess amount on the Scheck will be included to cover shipment 
of the Bike , This will be sent to my preferable shipping agency who will 
use the funds as the fees to come over to your location for the pick up of 
the Bike to mines destination  after you might have confirmed the Scheck in 
your bank. I will make sure the cheque get to you within 7 working days. 
Awaiting for your swift response and your payment Informations.
Best Regards.

Cia pasidaro keista, kad tokie panasus ir keisti pasiulymai pareina is 
dvieju interesantu.

Taigi, klausimas: cia normalu, ar visgi apgaule kurioj nors vietoj?

P.S. dar pries situos du, parase interesantas kazka is serijos "domina moto, 
o dabar klausyk: mano senelis paveldejo, man reikia $ kad isgryninti 
palikima bla bla bla". Tai sitie tokie patys mukai, kazka veiks su saskaitu 
Nr. ar sutapimas ir paranoja man? :-)