Tema: Re: 98 vietoje 95
Autorius: EP
Data: 2011-04-06 21:17:29
Opel Astroj, tai fyske galima apverst kita puse. ir prisitaiko.

"Fla" <fla@namuose.yra> wrote in message 
> beje, bnv manualas va ka sako tais klausimais:
> BMW engines are equipped with knock
> sensors and automatically adapt to op-
> erate with fuels of different octane rat-
> ings, as long as the minimum octane
> requirement is met.
> Higher octane fuels will provide in-
> creased performance and fuel econ-
> omy, while the use of gasoline with a
> lower octane rating will have an adverse
> -- 
> Planuoji apsidrausti Lietuvos Draudimo KASKO? Geriau ismesk pinigus i 
> bala, sutaupysi nervu :)