Tema: Re: Cia padjobke ar ne?
Autorius: markko
Data: 2009-03-27 23:54:54
Viskas aisku.. Parasiau, kad as priimu tik cash'a arba pavedima i saskaita 
ir psio :))

"Kestas" <nesvarbu@nesvarbu.lt> wrote in message 
> pagal rasybos stiliu - Afrika (Nigerija gal :)). ne viena laiska esu 
> mates, - tos pacios klaidos ir mandagybes.
> itarimas, jog bicelis, atsiuntes tau ceki, bandytu prasyti, kad tu jo 
> "komisinius" ir siuntimo mokesti jam atgal atsiutum dar neissigryninus 
> cekiui, nes jo "klientas" moka vienu cekiu. o mobile.de toki itarima is 
> esmes patvirtina:
> http://www.mobile.de/home/securityAdvice.html?lang=en
> Cheque fraud with a sale
> As a seller, you must also guard against fraud: when selling vehicles, 
> sellers are often given cheques which are not covered. Therefore, we would 
> strongly advise you not to accept cheques as a means of payment!
> If you – as the seller – receive a cheque (generally sent from abroad) 
> where the amount is more than the agreed purchase price, then it is more 
> than likely to be an attempted fraud. Do not, under any circumstances, 
> transfer the difference back, as the cheque is most probably stolen or a 
> false one – even if first enquiries do not arouse any concerns.
> tai gali siaip pavedzioti ji uz nosies - tegu siuncia tau ceki, apsimesk 
> durneliu :)
> nors siaip patarciau spjauti, nes skambines ir ramybes neduos. arba 
> nusiusk ant durniaus koki neegzistuojanti adresa ir, tarkim, kokios nors 
> psichologines pagalbos savizudziams telefono numeri..
> aisku, galima prasyti, akd pervestu pinigus tiesiogiai, bet cia 99.99% 
> sukcius..