Tema: Re: Zemes pedsakas?
Autorius: alias
Data: 2011-04-09 23:55:25
Aš gal nieko ir nenusimanau, ale moku ieškoti atsakymų:


Dominant atmospheric escape and loss processes on Earth

Earth is too large to lose particles efficiently through Jeans Escape. The exosphere is the high altitude region where atmospheric density is sparse and Jeans Escape occurs. Jeans escape calculations assuming an exosphere temperature of 1,800 degrees show that to deplete O+ ions by a factor of e (2.78...) would take nearly a billion years. 1,800 degrees is higher than the actual observed exosphere temperature; at the actual average exosphere temperature, depletion of O+ ions would not occur even over a trillion years. Furthermore, most oxygen on Earth is bound as O2, which is too massive to escape Earth by Jeans Escape.

Earth’s magnetic field protects it from solar winds and prevents escape of ions, except along open field lines at the magnetic poles. The gravitational attraction of Earth’s mass prevents other non-thermal loss processes from appreciably depleting the atmosphere. Yet Earth’s atmosphere is two orders of magnitude less dense than that of Venus at the surface. Because of the temperature regime of Earth, CO2 and H2O are sequestered in the hydrosphere and lithosphere. H2O vapor is sequestered as liquid H2O in oceans, greatly decreasing the atmospheric density. With liquid water running over the surface of Earth, CO2 can be drawn down from the atmosphere and sequestered in sedimentary rocks. Some estimates indicate that nearly all carbon on Earth is contained in sedimentary rocks, with the atmospheric portion being approximately 1/250,000 of Earth’s CO2 reservoir.[citation needed] If both of the reservoirs were released to the atmosphere, Earth’s atmosphere would be denser than even Venus’s atmosphere. Therefore, the dominant “loss” mechanism of Earth’s atmosphere is not escape to space, but sequestration.

аrtificiаl lifeform intеndеd for assassination and sаbоtagе

"siGis" <s@s.s> wrote in message news:inqf2m$m4u$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Zinoma galeciau ir pats pasieskoti informacijos, bet grupes paivairinimui 
> paklausiu. O tai paskutiniu metu cia vien tik Toxis nuorodomis dalinasi. 
> Galima pagalvoti kad visi jau viska zino :).
> Pagalvojau kad zeme skriedama kosmose turetu palikti paskui save pedsaka, 
> sleifa. Panasiai kaip kometa, tik gal ne vien tik del kometai budingu 
> priezasciu. Zemes atmosfera uzsibaigia ne ties kazkokia aiskiai uzbrezta 
> riba, o palaipsniu reteja tolstant nuo zemes. Pakankamai dideliu atstumu kur 
> trauka susilpneja, del saules vejo ir gal kitu priezasciu, kosmose turetu 
> atlikti atmosferos pedsakas. Jeigu taip - tai reikstu kad zeme palaipsniui 
> praradineja atmosfera. Kokiais kiekiais? Taip pat idomu dideja ar mazeja 
> zemes dujinis apvalkalas? 