Tema: Re: kls: dėl 4K per Media Server
Autorius: KandysRomka
Data: 2017-07-03 21:42:50
Wake on LAN (WOL) Plugin for Plex

Basic Functionality: To send WAKE on LAN packets from the Plex Media 
Server to systems to be woken up. This allows the user to bring online 
additional resources which might be turned off, such as DVR boxes, NAS 
drives or other hosts of library content.

  WOL lets you configure up to 10 systems to be woken and allows up to 
two groups of devices to be configured.

> Pafantazuokim :)
> Ko reikia, kad įvyktų WOL?
> Pagal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake-on-LAN Requires destination 
> computer MAC address.
> Tai gal Plex klientas (žadintojas) moka įsirašyti į savo config'ą Plex 
> serverio MAC adresą. Ir jeigu neatsako/nesipingina - siunčia Magic 
> packet'ą į MAC'ą ir pažadina.