Tema: Re: Central Intelligence Agency
Autorius: Lianzberg
Data: 2016-12-17 09:20:39
nejuokink, tokie prasymai priimami anonimiskai.

> Nejuokink. Kas bus ieškovas? Lianzberg iš Walzem, San Antonio, Texas
> 78218?
> "Lianzberg" <lianzberg@tenerife.com> wrote in message
> news:o32nbs$2g6$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> 1940-uju tremimums dar prisimeni? o uz kacapa tai sulauksi kvietimo i
>> komisariata.
>>> tu kalendorių pažįsti kacape?
>>> On 2016.12.16 19:25, Lianzberg wrote:
>>>> priam kaip siandien Lietuvoje. Zinom kad xuilo finansuoja RT, bet
>>>> kaip CIA finansuoja delpi? ar kaip jie kartu su LR elitu
>>>> korupcionuoja spauda?
>>>> https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/chile/
>>>> As a result, CIA was given approval in 1968-69 to undertake
>>>> additional propaganda operations intended to influence Chilean mass
>>>> media.
>>>> This included establishing a propaganda workshop and other mechanisms
>>>> for press placements.
>>>> Propaganda topics included the threat posed by the Soviet Bloc to
>>>> Chile’s democratic tradition, the danger local leftist fronts posed
>>>> to the country, and promoting pro-democratic leadership in Chile.