Tema: Re: Skyrim v1.3
Autorius: Exo
Data: 2011-12-08 21:46:58
Nu šyta, dažnio jie tavo nepakels, netgi labai norėdami :)


"zZz" <zZz@zirzilia.lt> wrote in message news:jbq5ec$kae$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> Jau galėtų Core 2 Quad optimizuot ;)
> "Exo" <exoNO@SPAMc123.lt> wrote in message 
> news:jbq44d$iaf$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> jo fps'ų truputi padaugėjo pritariu, bet daugiau tai nieko :)
>> Exo
>> "zZz" <zZz@zirzilia.lt> wrote in message 
>> news:jbpvm2$c3b$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Patch 1.3 brings general stability improvements (no specifics here),
>>> optimized performance for Intel's Core 2 Duo processors and resolves the
>>> following issues:
>>> - Fixed Radiant Story incorrectly filling certain roles
>>> - Fixed magic resistances not calculating properly
>>> - Fixed issue with placing books on bookshelves inside player purchased
>>> homes
>>> - Fixed dragon animation issues with saving and loading
>>> - Fixed Y-look input to scale correctly with framerate
>>> Along with announcing today's patch, Bethesda said it plans to release
>>> another update next week with support for 4GB Tuning (Large Address
>>> Aware) -- though this is already available through modding channels if
>>> you're impatient. A resourceful modder released "Skyrim4GB" weeks ago, 
>>> which
>>> lets the game access up to 4GB of memory instead of the current 2GB cap.
>>> ---
>>> 4GB Skyrim: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1013
>>> Skyrim & Kinect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z83wzJwrBK0