Tema: Re: laptopas nesuderinamiems tikslams
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2016-09-16 12:23:06
> Mhm, dėkui, panašu, kad liūdesys su tom integruotom GPU vis dar ir reikia minimum 960M. Tai gal tikrai Y700 variantas, tik svoris 
> 2.6kg...

Weight: 1.963 kg ( = 69.24 oz / 4.33 pounds), Power Supply: 458 g ( = 16.16 oz / 1.01 pounds)

Dell advertizes a base weight of 1.79 kg (56-Wh model), so the hard drive was probably excluded.

56-Wh battery, SSD and non-touch display: 1,958 grams (our own measurement)
84-Wh battery, SSD and touch display: 2,087 grams (our own measurement)
PSU: 435 grams – very light for 130 Watts

Weight: 2.902 kg ( = 102.37 oz / 6.4 pounds), Power Supply: 590 g ( = 20.81 oz / 1.3 pounds)