Tema: Re: Dispute kelimas
Autorius: toms
Data: 2016-03-15 09:53:33
O ko tikiesi? Gaut refund ir dar peke veliau? :). Siuntejas pasiulys
palaukti dar.
 As tai laukiu iki keliu paskutiniu dienu kol galima dispute
kelt. Siuntiniu, kurie ateina veliau negu estimated date, buna
, o kartais preke gaunu paskutine diena.

markoh rase:

> spaudziu 'didn;t received the item' pasirenku preke, kurios negavau:raso 
> 'The estimated delivery date for this item is 14 Mar, 2016. If you haven't 
> received your item by then, contact the seller through the Resolution 
> Center.' neleidzia to padaryt,  kai siandien jau 15 diena,  kaip kelti 
> dispute?