Tema: Re: whatsapp???
Autorius: Teisybes Dele
Data: 2018-12-19 23:27:43
On 12/19/2018 12:38 PM, Teisybes Dele wrote:
> prisireike whatsapa isidiegti
> gaunu numerio patvirtinimo koda i sms is 7 raidziu ir skaiciu
> appsas reikalauja suvesti 6 skaicius, gautus sms
> wtf?
> supporte atsakineja robotas, tipo bandykit dar karta uz 24 val ir t.t.

LOL penkta laiska rasau, boldu ir raudonai, kad GAVAU SMS bet netoki, o 
jie vis ta pati


Thanks for your message.

It looks like you have an inactive or missing SIM card.

If your SIM card isn't working, you won't be able to activate WhatsApp. 
In order to complete the verification process, you must be able to 
receive SMS or phone calls. There's no other way to activate your account.

The verification code is used to verify that you own the phone number. 
We're unable to email you the code or forward it to another phone number 
due to security reasons.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact 
us. We'd be happy to help!

WhatsApp Support Team