Tema: del paypal pinigu konvertacijos
Autorius: Volcano
Data: 2009-05-20 16:38:55
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Paypale duoda pasirinkti 2 funkcijas kaip konvertuoti pinigus, kas 
naudojates norejau paklausti kuria reiktu rinktis, kuris geresnis 
konvertavimo kurso atzvilgiu?

naudoju visa virtuon.


Conversion Options

PayPal offers two ways to convert currency when you purchase from a seller 
who uses a different currency than yours.

The PayPal currency conversion process
The MasterCard and Visa currency conversion process

Please select your option below:
Use PayPal's conversion process to complete my transaction using my card's 
Both the original transaction currency and the converted amount that I will 
be charged are disclosed for my convenience. I understand that MasterCard 
and Visa have a currency conversion process. I have chosen not to use the 
MasterCard and Visa currency conversion process, and I will have no recourse 
against MasterCard and Visa with respect to any matter related to this 

Bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice.
I will not know which foreign exchange rate has been applied to this 
transaction until I receive my card statement from my card issuer. I 
acknowledge that by choosing this option, my card issuer will determine the 
foreign exchange rate to apply to this transaction, and that I will not be 
informed of the foreign exchange rate or any additional foreign exchange 
fees applied until I am billed by my card issuer.

Select an option above, then click Submit to complete the currency 
conversion process.